Media & Communications Training
Let Your Voice Be Heard
Strong media campaigns can amplify and promote your prevention efforts. Our trainings cover the basics of media advocacy messages and how you can effectively and efficiently utilize them.

Media & Communications
Media Literacy
In this first of three media trainings, participants learn how to analyze the underlying messages of commercial advertisements, enabling them to spot easy-to-miss aspects of advertising that are not always in the consumer's best interest. The training utilizes alcohol advertising as a case study for analysis. Participants expand their critical thinking skills, understanding of advertising techniques, and ability to see the true message in an ad.
Media Advocacy
In this second of three media trainings, participants learn many aspects of media advocacy during this interactive workshop. Participants also gain skills needed to work effectively with the media, including: developing strategic media messages and sound bites, writing letters to the editor, writing op-eds, holding press conferences, and creating effective PSAs. During the training, participants draft a media plan to advance their prevention strategies and goals. Participants also learn how to create effective counter-marketing campaigns to provide a contrasting voice to the industry’s enormous marketing efforts.
Media Plan Development
In the third and final media training, participants develop a comprehensive media strategy for their coalition. Participants work independently and collaboratively, applying knowledge gained from previous media trainings to develop materials such as letters to the editor, op-eds, and press kits. This training is hands on and requires participants to think strategically about how to advance their coalition’s goals, taking abstract ideas and converting them into action that creates community-level change.
Understanding Social Media and How to Use It
Using underage alcohol use as a prevention case study, this training educates participants on how social media relates to their advocacy efforts. Participants learn how to use social networking sites, blogs, and Twitter to improve their community-based prevention efforts and advance their prevention goals.
Interested in a training? Click below to submit your request and someone from our team will follow up with you shortly. For questions or additional information, please contact us at or 512.442.7501.