Environmental Prevention
Change The Environment, Change Their Future
Creating safe environments for youth to thrive is a big task. Our trainings help you strengthen your prevention efforts to reduce youth access to alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.

Environmental Prevention Details
Creating an Effective Campaign to Reduce Social Access
This training is for groups/coalitions already committed to reducing youth social access in their community. It details the 10 policy action steps for passing a social host ordinance and includes analysis of how to best tailor the strategy to the targeted community. It is offered at both an introductory and an advanced level, depending on where your coalition is in the process.
Strategic Planning for Environmental Prevention
Strategic planning is one of the most important stages of creating community change. This training focuses on how coalitions can assess a problem, develop clear goals, identify community stakeholders, and write an effective strategic plan. An interactive component helps participants set short-term, intermediate, and long-term goals that will chart the path toward making a measurable difference in creating healthy and safe communities.
Environmental Prevention Strategies and Youth Alcohol Use
In this training, participants learn the who, what, why and how of environmental prevention strategies. Additionally, the training shares information about the benefits of collaboration with other community members - including law enforcement, educators, and non-profit professionals - and ways to increase collaborative substance misuse prevention efforts. Participants walk away with resources to implement proven strategies that have a lasting impact on the health and safety of their communities.
Reduce the Use
In this training, participants discuss several evidence-based environmental prevention strategies, focusing mostly on the strategy to raise the state alcohol excise tax. A dime a drink increase of the excise tax would raise $708 million for the state and save 402 lives every year. Learn more about the results from TxSDY’s statewide survey and how most Texans are in favor of an increase in the excise tax to support public health and safety. Participants walk away with concrete next steps they can take to help advance the excise tax strategy in their community.
Interested in a training? Click below to submit your request and someone from our team will follow up with you shortly. For questions or additional information, please contact us at info@TxSDY.org or 512.442.7501.