Advocacy Training
How can we help you advocate for Texas youth?
Training efforts here are aimed at guiding participants a pathway to being the best advocates. This includes identifying the right targets for your efforts (e.g., policy makers), and building resources and relationships.

Advocacy Training Details
Advocating for Community Change
This training provides a general overview of the process and importance of advocating for policy change on the community level. Topics of discussion include the importance of strategic planning, media advocacy, communicating with policymakers and community stakeholders, and other aspects of policy change efforts. Participants will learn how to best utilize their organization’s or agency’s resources to create community change to reduce substance misuse. This workshop offers the who, what, when, where, why, and how of successfully advocating for your cause with decision-makers.
Understanding the Texas Legislature
Participants learn about the structure and workings of the Texas Legislature and how this decision-making body affects prevention efforts. The training covers how the often-confusing committee system works, as well as the process by which a bill becomes a law. Knowledge gained about the Texas legislative process will help participants educate policy-makers on important prevention issues.
Substance Misuse Prevention Strategies and the Texas Legislature
Participants will learn about evidence-based prevention strategies as they relate to policies proposed by the Texas Legislature and existing law. The training includes information about preemption and prohibition, as well as the differences between state and federal laws that govern tobacco and alcohol use prevention strategies. Increased knowledge of the relationship between the Texas Legislature and prevention policy helps participants expand their capacity to advocate for evidence-based strategies.
Being a Polite Advocate
This training helps participants develop advocacy skills to effectively communicate with decision-makers and stakeholders about substance misuse prevention issues. Participants will learn how to present information and practice delivering clear, concise, and coherent messages when advocating for prevention strategies and goals. The training will also cover what to expect when meeting with decision-makers and the difference between advocacy and lobbying.
Interested in a training? Click below to submit your request and someone from our team will follow up with you shortly. For questions or additional information, please contact us at or 512.442.7501.